Archive for January, 2004

God Kills Babies….

Tuesday, January 27th, 2004

I'd come across this story a few years ago, but was prompted to relocate it after various conversations with friends where I found myself quoting it. In essence, God Kills Babies, and an activist had the reference engraved in a sponsored brick outside a library, between various religiously tinged slogans.

Rowland on Kay

Monday, January 26th, 2004

Good to see my friend and fellow GEO steward, Dave Rowland, has started a blog. He's pointed, in commenting on my story about David Kay, to his theory that Kay is part of a grand scheme by the US administration to manage the fallout of the WMD story. There does seem ...

Steve Jones on internet research

Monday, January 26th, 2004

Steve Jones, communication professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and co-founder of the Association of Internet Researchers, recently gave a talk at Northwestern University about the state of internet research. The following sums up his points of the talk and raises questions about internet research. (by guest author Sabryna ...

MDH for President?

Sunday, January 25th, 2004

The press speculation on Michael D Higgins running for president continues. As a Labour member from Galway I've obviously been involved with campaigning for Michael for many years. I think he would be a strong candidate - I know his candidacy would be popular within the Labour Party, and he ...

Evoting campaign image

Sunday, January 25th, 2004

Web banners

Sunday, January 25th, 2004

Please help promote the campaign by including a banner in your site. You can do this by copying the html code corresponding to the appropriate image:

Conflict in responses about availability of source code

Saturday, January 24th, 2004

In a written answer to several questions from Dáil members in February, 2003, Minister Martin Cullen stated that "The software is currently being modified for use at the European and local elections in June 2004 and when this work has been completed and tested, I will give careful consideration to ...

Iraq had no WMD says US chief inspector as he quits

Saturday, January 24th, 2004

From RTE:The head of the American weapons inspection team in Iraq, David Kay, has resigned, saying he does not believe the country had any weapons of mass destruction.

Family ties in Israel and Palestine

Saturday, January 24th, 2004

There's a heart-rending story in the New York Times today about a Palestinian man, who was married to an Israeli Jew and whose son is in the Israeli army, who is now an illegal worker/resident within Israel, under constant threat of eviction and unable to return - due to threats ...

Internet voting is fundamentally insecure – report

Friday, January 23rd, 2004

In more news from the United States, there are multiple articles today covering a report for the Pentagon that gave a damning analysis of an internet-based voting system to be used by ex-pat and military voters in at least seven states for the primary and Presidential elections this year. Prepared ...