From the “You can’t be serious” department

August 17th, 2004 | by aobaoill |

I’ve just had an interesting (off-line) discussion with Zwichenzug of the Bellman about land reform, poverty, and populist politics (partly in response to his post about Chavez and Venezuala. He has a good point, in that producing good rhetoric and being disliked by TPTB (the powers that be) isn’t necessarily sufficient grounds for supporting Chavez, or Mugabe, or others. However, moving outward, we got to talking about land reform in general, and I was reminded about this news item from today’s InterWorldRadio bulletin:

Maasai tribespeople have been told they will not get the land back that they leased 100 years ago to British colonists. The agreement expired this week, and protestors have gathered in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, to demand the return of the one million hectares. But the Kenyan government says it does not recognise treaties from the colonial era. The land is now occupied by ranches and farms.

Crazy, eh?

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