Welcome to the list….

October 17th, 2004 | by aobaoill |

I presume I’m not the only person with this issue, but would appreciate comment or feedback. On an ongoing, but occasional, basis, requests are being made to add me to various mailing lists. Since not all lists have a confirmation process, I’ve been added to some lists involuntarily. On other occasions I’ve got mails, like one this morning, asking me to confirm my request.
All of this doesn’t inconvenience me very much, but it does perplex me – just why is someone doing this? If you are that person, I’d like to say – please stop! If your aim is to annoy – please stop. You’re wasting effort. If your aim is to expose me to lists you think might be of interest/relevance to me – please stop. Send me a mail informing me about a list if you wish, but please don’t sign me up without my permission. If this is a general problem – perhaps automated – does anyone know of any way to make it stop?

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