Podcasting ‘no longer cool’

June 8th, 2005 | by aobaoill |

“It’s official: podcasting is no longer cool,” according to the Guardian Online blog. Their reasoning? Arnold Schwarzenegger is now podcasting.
They have a point.

  1. 2 Responses to “Podcasting ‘no longer cool’”

  2. By Zwichenzug on Jun 10, 2005 | Reply

    Hmmm. This reminds me of all the hoo-ha about blogging. Apparently there’s a faction over in the mfa program that thinks ‘blogs are over.’
    My view is that blogging isn’t yet a mature technology and won’t be until blogging is as easy as using the phone or watching tv. All and still, I think it’s gotten to the point where anybody who feels the urge to write really ought to have a blog. Which is about like saying that anybody who likes to listen to music ought to have a stereo. It’s not the sort of thing that can be ‘over.’
    Podcasting is probably about the same.

  3. By Andrew Ó Baoill on Jun 10, 2005 | Reply

    A good point. There are those – and they’re not blogging, they may not even be podcasting any longer – who are always searching for ‘the new thing.’ For them it’s all about being ahead of the curve. I wonder what they _are_ doing at the moment…..

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