How did it happen?

June 26th, 2005 | by aobaoill |

From today’s ZNet commentary:

Now, however, I get confused looks, pained questions, and heads shaking quietly in disbelief and disappointment. Don’t the American people know, I am asked, again and again. Explain please, they persist, how, after the publication of pictures from Abu Ghraib, Bush got re-elected? Don’t the American people watch the news from Iraq? Where did the protests, the outrage, the uproar go?

That’s just the least of the experience of foreigners based here when we go home.

  1. One Response to “How did it happen?”

  2. By Bernard Goldbach on Jun 26, 2005 | Reply

    One of the legacies of the Dubya’s administration will be Abu Ghraib as an example of an imperial presidency that caused a global decline in the respect for American values.

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